Teleflora's Swirling Beauty Bouquet

Item # T14V200A
Teleflora\'s Swirling Beauty Bouquet

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Teleflora's Swirling Beauty Bouquet Capture the beauty of true love with this magnificent bouquet, presented in our awe-inspiring, limited-edition art glass vase. Flirtatious pink lilies, romantic red roses and other delicate blooms create a Valentine's Day surprise she'll always remember. •Long stem red roses, graceful pink oriental lilies, red carnations, miniature pink carnations and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lemon leaf. Delivered in a Swirling Beauty vase. •Approximately 16 1/2" W x 21 1/2" H •This item is hand-arranged and delivered by a Teleflora florist. •All prices in U.S. Dollars. Orientation:One-Sided Standard: T14V200A Deluxe: T14V200B Premium: T14V200C